Mar 4, 2013

Moons and Lullabies.

Do you remember,
                   when you would lay next to me and
                   sing me your silly version of goodnight?
                   "The farmer in the dell, the farmer in the dell;"
                   it turned into a Jamaican lullaby.

                                                 "Hi-ho, the derry-o
                                                  the farmer in the dell..."

Do you remember,
                   when you would look at me and somehow 
                   you'd know that nothing had to be said?
                   You'd just hold me, and your silent
                   embrace would say everything I needed to hear.

                                                 "The farmer takes a wife,
              Hi-ho, the derry-o,
                                                  the farmer takes a wife..."

Do you remember,
                   when you would lift me up and place me on
                   the tips of your toes, my soles overlapping with yours?
                   Your large feet would guide mine in a spinning waltz,
                   and this is how I learned to dance.

                                                 "The wife takes the child,
                                                  Hi-ho, the derry-o,
                                                  the wife takes the child..."

Do you remember,
                   when Mommy and the younger version of you
                   were out during those sticky summer afternoons?
                   You would make me a PB and J sandwich, put it
                   on a plate next to five Oreos and a glass of milk.

                                                 "And the cat takes the mouse,
                                                  Hi-ho, the derry-o,
                                                  The cat takes the mouse..."

Do you remember,
                   when you would practice your saxophone
                   and I would come into the kitchen to join you?
                   I'd dance and sing, you'd turn to face me, and
                   together we would make the music louder.

                                                 "And the cheese stands alone..."

Do you think,
                   that when you're up there above me, 
                   when you're peeking over the edge of 
                   a cloud to catch a glimpse of the moon,
                   that you'll look down and see me, too?