Sep 17, 2012


This is always a transitional time of the year, for everyone. It's back-to-school month. In some cases, it's back-to-work month. In other cases, it's back-to-not-seeing-your-child-every-day-all-day month.


I've never liked this month. I have never liked the idea of this kind of change, and it always comes so abruptly, to me anyway. Despite the fact that I look at the date every day, even in the summer time, the morning of September 1, I wake up and feel a sudden chill in the air that wasn't there before, that somehow came to be overnight. It's always been scary for me to say goodbye - even for only a short time - to summertime. I had grown so accustomed to the season of beaches and warmth, lazy afternoons and mindless, easy retail work. Then September slams into me from behind, every year, without fail.

So even though it's always a tough month for me, I have decided this year to make the best of it. It will never be as good as May, or June, or October - December, but I decided to try and make this year's at least a slightly better September than those of years past.

And it's working.

My first full week back at college, this time as a Sophomore, I stayed the weekend even though many people went home around me. Even though I saw parents driving up to campus and helping their children and my fellow peers into the cars with their laundry bags. Even though I overheard conversations between my dorm-mates and their parents - "okay, see you in a few minutes. Love you, Mom." My eyes didn't well up with tears, my smile stayed in place and didn't waver a bit, and my heart didn't begin to race.

I continued on my own path without needing to meet another's.

Is this what it feels like to be happy with where I am in my life right now?
Is this what it feels like to be a well-adjusted college student?
Is this what it feels like to be an adult - a young woman who can function on her own?

Whatever label it deserves, this feels great.
September blues - be gone!