Oct 13, 2011

Put on the Music.

I felt like I was sinking quietly early this morning, lost in an empty space that spilled all over my mind like a fallen inkpot.

I was alone in my room for once (a rare instance when you have four other roommates) and I realized that, since it was just me, it didn't have to be so quiet. I started out softly, just easing myself back into my old routine of singing out loudly. First, it was some of Celine Dion's older, more relaxed sounds. But the feelings of rejuvination and life began to grow inside my heart, trickling down into my lungs and fueling me with happiness that soon I could no longer contain myself! Finally, I was able to crank Muse and Adam Lambert out of my speakers, singing at the top of my lungs. Another piece of my self come back and stitched itself to my soul with every breath I drew. Soon, my throat was dry and class was only 15 minutes away, so I calmed down with some ABBA and Fleetwood Mac. But it was enough for now. It was enough for me to remember.

So I felt like I was sinking quietly today. But then I remembered that the empty spaces that I sometimes feel between my toes don't always have to creep their way up to my heart. They don't have to be so threatening. I can control the tides and stop them from overtaking me. I don't have to drown today or tomorrow, or the day after.

Just put on some music, get up and jam!