May 11, 2012

The emotional roller-coaster continues.

I can't believe my first year of college is over!

It just flew right by, before I could stop to smell the freshly-planted flowers all around campus. I'm glad to be done with it, in a way. It was a lot to handle. But for the most part I miss it so much. I've only been back home for a few days and I feel ridiculously home-sick for what has become a home away from home. I love my college, and I really miss the people I got to know there. It's difficult to just transition myself so completely - I haven't been home for longer than a weekend in months!

I can't believe that so little time has passed, and yet so much has happened. I have changed so much, in a hundred little ways. I can't believe that a few months ago I was, admittedly, crying because I didn't want to leave my home, and my family, and my friends - all that I've ever known. But now I find myself crying because I want to go back.

I miss the old antique-y buildings of my school. I miss being able to lie out on the lawn with other people, enjoying free campus concerts and talking with new friends. I miss the birds and the trees all over the place. I miss the small, community feel of campus. I miss being able to get food when I wanted with friends every day. I miss the view from my dorm room. I miss feeling completely independent and secure in my routine, surrounded by other people my own age who felt the same way. I miss being enclosed in a space full of intellectually stimulating thoughts and discussions. I miss the memories I made this past year.

I miss being able to do things my way, on my own time.
I miss being on my own.

It is so silly, though. Just a few months ago, I was totally freaking out and was even contemplating taking a year off before continuing with school. The thought of that makes me laugh - think of all that I would have missed out on!

I never would have been closer to realizing who I am, or who I want to be.

I never would have made so much progress on the road to discovering who I can become.