Oct 5, 2011

A Fresh Breeze.

There is something so special about the change of seasons, don't you think?

Waking up in the dark might not seem fun. But then, feeling snuggly under the covers again as the chilly morning air floats through the open windows and seems to swallow the room whole is a beautiful thing. It's so much better than kicking the blankets off in the common, sticky frustration of summer.

People say that Spring is the season for birth and renewal. All those ideas of purity. But really it's Winter that cleanses everything. At least, everything around here.

What is more rejuvenating than the blanket of white slumber that comes with the season of frost, covering what used to be the world? Who doesn't want to see the pollution and corruption of our society buried under a pile of soft snow and cold?

Come on now -- don't kid yourself. Would you rather continue in a world of sludge and muck, when you can instead fall and drown in icy, crystalized secrets that are bound to consume you inevitably?

There is nothing quite like it.